Find the Best Car for your needs

car advice

Buying a car of your own is one of those things in life that stands as a highly significant milestone, especially if you are still in your 20s as a young working professional. Not only does the presence of a vehicle remove you dependency on car-pooling or public transport, but it also acts as a very worthwhile investment which, when maintained right, can last for decades. So if buying a new car is on your immediate to-do list, here are some points to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best for your money!

Assess your requirements carefully

Unlike essential commodities and subsidized items, cars are not necessarily needs for every single person living on the planet. This gives companies a lot of leeway about pricing which may or may not be favourable economically to customers depending upon the car’s cosmetic look and its salient features. So it is important to be clear about what your needs are. Do you need a basic performer for intensive work-based commuting? Or should the car also be reflective of your status in society? Answering these questions will quickly let you narrow down the best car for you.

Find out what you’re paying for

Even if money is not an issue and you are looking out for the best vehicle in the market, it is a wise decision to keep track of where exactly your money is going. While luxury brands like Mercedes and Jaguar justify the premium owing to their reputation and mechanics, sometimes a dealership may even do so purely for the off-roading ability or cosmetic appeal, such as a Ford Endeavour or a Honda Accord. Moreover, the accessories you request will add smaller amounts that lead up to a different figure at the end, so be prudent and choose functional ones that are not zero-return investments. For instance, it makes no sense to get a functional sunroof if you live in a city with rains throughout the year!


It so happens that one of the most passively done rituals is actually one of your first impressions of the car you are looking to purchase. Regardless of whether you are a first-time driver or a veteran, the car should fit in seamlessly and not take too long for you to get used to it. Keep in mind that this vehicle is one that will likely be used every day, so pay attention to what the car ‘tells’ you during a test-drive. This is very important even when buying a second-hand car because people often let the reduced figure overlook any defects or chinks that may have prompted the price cut in the first place.

Check If any better options will launch in next 2-3 months

It’s better if you check the internet if any new vehicle coming in next 2-4 months. Many times we’ve seen company launch upgraded version of the same car or other company planning to bring the better option in similar price.

Opt for High End Model

Make sure you try to get the High end model of the car. The High end model generally have all the security features and other improvement. If you’ve fixed budget then find the car which has high end model available at that price range.

Do’s and Don’ts

Find a trusted dealer and take someone experienced along if you’ve never bought or browsed at a showroom. Remember to ask questions as it is the job of a salesman to clear every doubt you have. Always ask for accompanying benefits regarding payment and insurance, since several showrooms often integrate payment schemes for smoother and user-friendly transactions. Checking plans like Royal Sundaram Car Insurance Policy can help you find the best insurance scheme to keep your car protected at all times!

So stay smart and drive your new wheels off to a great start!


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